What is intermittent fasting?
Intermittent fasting is a pattern of eating that involves extended periods of fasting (not eating) and shorter periods of time for eating. It is one of the most simple lifestyle changes anyone can do, and is something that can benefit nearly anyone. It doesn’t cost anything to do, creates a lot of time flexibility, and doesn’t require any complicated planning or tracking.
This dietary strategy has been utilized for thousands of years across many cultures and involves setting a specific window of time during which you can eat, and another in which you fast. A good example of intermittent fasting is what can be called a 16/8 fast. A 16/8 fasting strategy involves fasting for 16 hours and only eating within an 8-hour window during each 24 hour day cycle. While we sleep we are naturally fasting, and an example of such a schedule would be to eat only between the hours of noon and 8pm each day.
Why do it?
Intermittent fasting helps liberate you from the restrictions of limiting calories, crash diets, and unsustainable ways of eating that cause fluctuations in weight and energy. There are NUMEROUS health benefits from intermittent fasting that can have a significant impact in both preventing and reducing many chronic diseases, as well as treating active illness. Take a careful look at the list below and consider whether you would benefit from more optimal health in any of the following areas:
Increased fat metabolism
Weight optimization
Improved metabolic health & insulin sensitivity
Improved sleep cycles
Increased energy levels
Improved brain health & function
Stronger immune system
Reduced inflammation
Recovery from current illness
Reduced risk of cancer!
Is it safe?
Before considering intermittent fasting, it is important to make sure it can be done safely. Be sure to discuss this with a professional before making any such dietary changes.
Considering intermittent fasting should be done in coordination with a licensed practitioner if you fall into any of the following categories:
Pregnant, or trying to get pregnant
Under the age of 18
Diagnosed with any form of diabetes
History of eating disorder
Currently underweight
What should I eat?
Intermittent fasting is not a specific strategy for WHAT to eat, but rather for WHEN you should eat. This method is a focus on giving the body and metabolism periods of rest in each 24 hour cycle, rather then employing complex restrictions. However, there a few brief but important things to consider to optimize fasting, as well as diet in general. While fasting, I highly recommend the following:
Practice mindfulness when eating. Consider what you are eating, and why. Perhaps ask yourself: Is this a craving? Are you eating for entertainment or to alleviate boredom? Will this food improve or harm your health?
Drink plenty of water. A good general recommendation is that you drink approximately 0.5 to 1 ounce of fluid for each pound of body weight each day. (For example for a 150 person, 75-150 ounces of water daily.)
Prepare your own food. By preparing what you eat, you not only can be more aware of what goes into it, but will often begin to enjoy it much more.
Reduce and minimize processed foods, sugar, and simple carbohydrates. These have little to no benefit, and can often be harmful. Examples include breakfast cereals, pastries/desserts, microwave meals, fast food, snack foods, sugar-sweetened drinks (juice or soda), etc.
How do I get started?
If you’d like to begin to unlock the benefits of intermittent fasting, I greatly encourage you to start slowly, and gradually work up to your desired schedule. One of the best ways to do this is to gradually push back your first meal (breaking the fast), one hour each week, until you’ve reached your goal.
If you’re looking for additional support, I suggest you talk to a practitioner that can guide you through the process and make specific recommendations on the process, including what to eat and what to avoid. If this is something you’e like to discuss further, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me. I’ll be glad to help you on your journey into intermittent fasting.
Good intro to intermittent fasting, JP. (We're getting there...)
For those who wish to delve deeper into intermittent fasting, check out FLCCC's links on this topic at https://covid19criticalcare.com/tag/intermittent-fasting/